Что-то такая милота х)
Унесу зацепившие выдержки)
- What posters did you have?
Of Juve, of Platini and the singers I listened to with my brother, with whom I shared a room. We listened to Michael Jackson, Genesis, U2, Dire Straits...I’ve also kept a magical bike that was passed down to my cousin, my brother and I that we’ve had for 50 years. It’s in my mother’s house. It was brilliant, one of those with a brake pedal. I rode it like a motorbike. *мимими ^^*
- Your father was an electrician; your mother a cleaner. If you hadn’t been a footballer what would you have been?
- I haven’t the remotest idea. I remember that in class, one day, we had to pick a profession and I chose three: electrician like my father; lorry driver, because I liked to travel, and chef because I like to eat. *всегда так умиляюсь, когда читаю пассаж про повара)) кстати, у нас рядом есть "Alex's pizza", каждый раз как вижу, улыбаюсь)*
- How much time did you spend playing in the street when you were small?
- All I was allowed to because of my homework, which I did as quickly as possible, and the hours of daylight. The winters, in the north, are long and it goes dark at 4.30pm. [...] *ночи на севере Италии темны и полны ужасов*
- How do you feel about football when you are sat on the bench?
- Bad. The majority of benches are cold, almost like the pitches. Err, no…better to be inside, seriously. *конечно, холодные скамейки - это самое неприятное в сидении в запасе xD*
- Your best friend in football?
- Di Livio. *танцует и разбрасывает сердца*
Ну и в довершение - пара чудесных фоток всей семьи с Папой Римским перед матчем мира