Любовь во время чумы дерби

Эти теги к сему посту сделали мне день хдд

#smöl tender bean #you're in the middle of a derby and you're playing your mortal enemy ale #now is not the time for canoodles... #what would francè s......[remembers alessà & francè being hideously in love] #what would radja say! #but no just nuzzles into ciro and he's no better at it than ale #light kisses for you and your best brofriend #why must you italians be so easily affectionate it ruins me #daniele keeping an eye in the background....but no comment bc if it was marco he would do the same

надо уже придумать тег для Чиро, а то он один у меня обделенный из детей ходит х)