“I have decided to stick to love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” M.L. King
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les misérables & phantom of the opera crossover au
jean valjean’s one true love is opera; he dreams about living his life as a patron of the arts. unfortunately he has hit some hard times and is reluctantly forced to turn to more illicit dealings to simply break even. a high class opera enthusiast named javert rats on him to the police and valjean is cut off from his family and thrown into prison. when he gets out, he makes a new name for himself as the refined gentleman monsieur madeleine. using the money made from an entrepreneurial venture, he quickly rises through the 19th century opera world and one day finds himself in a position to be the new manager of the renowned paris opera house, one of his ultimate dreams. but little does he know that his new co-manager is the very same javert from his past, stubborn and lawfully-minded to the point of obliviousness, come to haunt him once more.
+ 1
les misérables & phantom of the opera crossover au
jean valjean’s one true love is opera; he dreams about living his life as a patron of the arts. unfortunately he has hit some hard times and is reluctantly forced to turn to more illicit dealings to simply break even. a high class opera enthusiast named javert rats on him to the police and valjean is cut off from his family and thrown into prison. when he gets out, he makes a new name for himself as the refined gentleman monsieur madeleine. using the money made from an entrepreneurial venture, he quickly rises through the 19th century opera world and one day finds himself in a position to be the new manager of the renowned paris opera house, one of his ultimate dreams. but little does he know that his new co-manager is the very same javert from his past, stubborn and lawfully-minded to the point of obliviousness, come to haunt him once more.
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