“I have decided to stick to love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” M.L. King
“Tony’s animals were like his children. Once, when Englander (a television director) was baby-sitting a friend’s dog, “Tony felt the dog needed company. So on my birthday, Helen made dinner, and Tony presented this great covered serving dish. I opened it up, and there was this little Siamese kitten, a present to me! I was terrified of cats, But I got to love this cat, which I named Pickles. Pickles and Buffalo, the dog. Tony took great pleasure in the fact that he got me over my cat fear and gave Buffalo a friend.” — Charles Winecoff, "Anthony Perkins, Split Image". ©


@музыка: Adriano Celentano - Susanna

@темы: #gif, #цитаты, #зацепило, #puppies, eyelashes and norman bates, #ребятам о зверятах