Alessandriata, You got: Huffleclaw You thrive in collaborations and group projects, but you’re just as comfortable doing things on your own. Those who know you well know how smart you are, but it’s not something you like to show off. In fact, it doesn’t even really bother you when someone else takes credit for something you figured out, because you enjoy the process of working through a problem much more than the rewards of recognition.
Тоже проходишь?)
Получается, ты какую песню выбирала?)
You thrive in collaborations and group projects, but you’re just as comfortable doing things on your own. Those who know you well know how smart you are, but it’s not something you like to show off. In fact, it doesn’t even really bother you when someone else takes credit for something you figured out, because you enjoy the process of working through a problem much more than the rewards of recognition.
Я выбрала I'm looking through you)
Я между ней и окончательным вариантом колебалась, но всё же выбрала All you need is love, потому что любви много не бывает)
ну... 50 на 50, мне кажется) а ты со своим согласна?)
Что-то в этом есть, если ориентироваться на то, что люди обо мне говорят или пишут)